

7:00 - 9:00pm

Our Men’s Group exists to fellowship, support, and spur each other on to Jesus.  Starting with a coffee and social, our men's group will then worship and study the Bible. 


One Saturday/month,
7:00 - 8:30pm

Our Women's ministry exists to create opportunities for growth, support, and encouragement. 
Women's Group Schedule
October 19, November 16, December 14

January 18, February 15, March 15, April 12, May 10, June 21

Young Adults

Please contact us to find out about upcoming gatherings.

Our Young Adults gather to worship, study the Bible, and spend time together. We will pray for you, intercede on behalf of others, and pursue Jesus together during these times.


Marriage is meant to be a relationship where two become "one" in a union of heart, mind, and body. At times the process of becoming one can be a challenge, so we want to provide you with good resources that will help strengthen your marriages. 

Family Life Canada is one of our supported ministries, and they have countless resources for married couples and parents.